目前分類:Language (62)

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Like many languages, American English has numerous idioms that paint word pictures. These colorful expressions come from everyday life and add spice to language. When Americans want to make a good first impression on someone, they try to put their best foot forward. That way, they won’t get off on the wrong foot in their relationship. Learning about idioms in a language and culture can be difficult, but don’t get cold feet. Just be careful when using these expressions. Otherwise, you might put your foot in your mouth.

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單字FUN 輕鬆

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It's been several months since I joined Ale Toastmasters Club. I think if's lucky for me to join this kind of club to practice English. Though my improvement won't be fast, I could develop my habit using English, including thinking and writing. Of course I have opportunity to practice my listening and speaking skills in the club.

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今年的Fall Convention(20061118-19)在高雄的85大樓,

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2006-10-11 11:19 / WhenD Stanley

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Having to go to the toilet while climbing Yushan can pose a major problem. With this in mind, the national park has set up two eco-friendly waterless toilets along the main trail, one at Menglu Pavilion and the other at Baimu Forest. Once you have finished using the toilet, you turn this wheel three times to start the special decomposing process. With water a scarce resource on Yushan, the toilets can be flushed without using a drop. The toilets also look to Mother Nature to power the lights.

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It's a rare chance to visit Tainan City with IMBA's student. They were so nice and easy-going and understood our conversation a little. I think they might be confused about our conversation only if we speak Taiwanese. What a wonderful day it was.

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2006-08-09 11:19 / WhenD Stanley

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Every prospective employer is asking you the question, "What can you do for me?" You must do more than tell the employer what you can do — you must PROVE IT! Specific examples of your past accomplishments are indicators of your future value.

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2006-06-28 11:15 / WhenD Stanley

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This is one of the many tricks to speed reading.?They teach you to look at the frsit & lsat letetr of a word and your brain will fill in the rest.

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2006-05-01 14:18 / WhenD Stanley

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2006-03-31 13:29 / WhenD Stanley

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2006-03-07 14:08 / WhenD Stanley

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2005-04-07 13:24 / WhenD Stanley

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2005-02-28 13:14 / WhenD Stanley

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