清心過好年 2007文化行春
2007 台灣燈會線上報名網站 @ 嘉義縣
2007 Taiwan Lantern Festival  Date: 03/03/2007 - 03/11/2007


燈會主燈由台灣大學中文系教授曾永義命名為「風調雨順(Peace and Prosperity)」,以台灣本土山豬代表豬年來臨。設計主軸為山豬立於鋼片群組的諸羅山上,俯視一望無際的嘉南平原。山豬胸前掛著贊助商中華電信的 3G手機,象徵台灣通訊科技的進步。主燈山體背面以簡單線條勾勒出的許多可愛小豬,呈現熱鬧歡樂氣氛。


The 2007 Taiwan Lantern Festival will be held from 3rd to 11th March on the greenbelt and the nearby business district in the front of the Taibao City Government in Chiayi County. As it is one of the most prominent festivals of the year, every effort is being made to prepare.

The 2007 National Taiwan Lantern Festival will ask the lantern master to make 12 sets of traditional floating lanterns, of which there are 4 different styles. These will be handed out as decorations in mid October. Visitors can choose the lantern they prefer . The traditional lantern and the little lantern sets should correspond to the main theme of the year 2007 lantern festival and shows the beauty of the traditional art through design. The 2007 Taiwan Lantern Festival is based on the Golden Pig, it being the Year of the Pig on the lunar calendar. Local traditions of Chiayi County, features of Taiwanese regional tourism, harmonized mixed secessions and the main idea is to portray an image stability, harmony, prosperity, safety, peace and happiness for Taiwan's  future.

戲夢五十 前言
Toastmasters International, D67, 2007 Spring Convention in Taipei

國家台灣文學館週末文學對談 3月3日登場

2007-02-09 10:37/中央社記者陳蓉台北九日電



另外並有邂逅小說族美麗與哀愁的林黛嫚、宇文正;玉山布農與鄒的文學對話的霍斯陸曼伐伐、浦忠成;台灣記錄片的傷痕、關懷與認同的導演鄭文堂、王亞維;客 語書寫客家風的歌手林生祥、鍾鐵民;推理小說雜誌編緝與創作者的林佛兒、傅博;台語文學創作與運動的林央敏、方耀乾等人。

國家台灣文學館     週末文學對談2006


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