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SOCIETY OF PUBLICATION DESIGNERS ANNOUNCES 42. nd. ANNUAL AWARDS FINALISTS. The Society of Publication Designers is pleased to announce the Medal Finalists ...
www.spd.org/pdf/SPDPUB42MEDALFINALISTRelease.pdf -類似網頁
Over 50 different publications are represented as finalists, including 33 Thoughts, American Way, Best Life, Blueprint,
Carl*s Cars, City, Complex, Cookie, Diablo, Dwell, Egoista, Entertainment Weekly, ESPN the Magazine, Esquire,
Esquire – Russia, Esquire’s Big Black Book, Everyday Food, Fast Company, GQ, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Bulletin, Key, The New York Times Real Estate Magazine, Life, Los Angeles, The Los Angeles Times Book Review, Marie
Claire, Martha Stewart Living, Men’s Health, Metropoli, National Geographic, National Geographic Adventure, New
York, The New York Times, The New York Times Book Review, The New York Times Magazine, The New Yorker, Play,
The New York Times Sport Magazine, Playboy – Germany, POL Oxygen, Popular Mechanics, Premiere, Print, Rolling
Stone, See: The Potential of Place, Seed, T, The New York Times Style Magazine, This Old House, Time, UD&SE, Vanity
Fair, Vibe, The Village Voice, Vino + Gastronomia, Vuelo, W, West/The Los Angeles Times Magazine, and Wired.
Society of Publication Designers
SPD's 42nd Annual Awards Finalists--MCC Blog
ASME Press Release--NMA Finalists 2007
Junta42 blog: Custom Publishing Council Announces 2007 Pearl Award Winners
檔案類型: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - HTML 版
SOCIETY OF PUBLICATION DESIGNERS ANNOUNCES 42. nd. ANNUAL AWARDS FINALISTS. The Society of Publication Designers is pleased to announce the Medal Finalists ...
www.spd.org/pdf/SPDPUB42MEDALFINALISTRelease.pdf -
Over 50 different publications are represented as finalists, including 33 Thoughts, American Way, Best Life, Blueprint,
Carl*s Cars, City, Complex, Cookie, Diablo, Dwell, Egoista, Entertainment Weekly, ESPN the Magazine, Esquire,
Esquire – Russia, Esquire’s Big Black Book, Everyday Food, Fast Company, GQ, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Bulletin, Key, The New York Times Real Estate Magazine, Life, Los Angeles, The Los Angeles Times Book Review, Marie
Claire, Martha Stewart Living, Men’s Health, Metropoli, National Geographic, National Geographic Adventure, New
York, The New York Times, The New York Times Book Review, The New York Times Magazine, The New Yorker, Play,
The New York Times Sport Magazine, Playboy – Germany, POL Oxygen, Popular Mechanics, Premiere, Print, Rolling
Stone, See: The Potential of Place, Seed, T, The New York Times Style Magazine, This Old House, Time, UD&SE, Vanity
Fair, Vibe, The Village Voice, Vino + Gastronomia, Vuelo, W, West/The Los Angeles Times Magazine, and Wired.
SPD's 42nd Annual Awards Finalists--MCC Blog
ASME Press Release--NMA Finalists 2007
Junta42 blog: Custom Publishing Council Announces 2007 Pearl Award Winners