2006財團法人自由空間教育基金會-第一屆通用設計獎 Universal design award
通用設計-theCUP 1,2 │2006年AIC學員產品設計作品
TAIWAN UDesign 台灣通用設計50選
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璇。言。璇。語:[Book] 通用設計的教科書(增訂版) - 樂多日誌
社會進步到一定的程度,代表著高齡化社會這股趨勢的來臨,然而標準化的商品已無法滿足多樣化使用者的需求。因此,通用設計是一種預先考量使用者需求,再 進行開發的一種設計理念也就是以消費者導向的設計思維。今日,通用設計已是日本的主流設計議題,幾乎各大日本企業都在推動企業通用設計相關的準則及設計。 本書作者--中川 聰 先生與台灣創意設計中心合作舉辦多次的研判會用。這是一本告訴讀者如何掌握通用設計的基本設計理念與實踐方法的教科書。
Universal design - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
通用設計 - Wikipedia
Usability - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
System acceptability
Usability consultant Jakob Nielsen and computer science professor Ben Shneiderman have written (separately) about a framework of system acceptability, where usability is a part of "usefulness" and is composed of:
* Learnability (e.g. intuitive navigation)
* Efficiency of use
* Memorability
* Few and noncatastrophic errors
* Subjective satisfaction
Jakob Nielsen (usability consultant) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Usability 101: Fundamentals and Definition - What, Why, How (Jakob Nielsen's alertbox)
Center for Universal Design NCSU
Universal design is the design of products and environments to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design.(
Universal usability - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The concept of universal usability (“usable by all”) is closely related to the concepts of universal accessibility (“accessible by all”) and universal design (“design for all”). These three concepts altogether cover, from the user’s end to the developer’s end, the three important research areas of information and communications technology (ICT): use, access, and design.
That is, when a single design cannot accommodate a large fraction of the user population, multiple versions or adjustment controls should be available to users. For example, (1)a novice user can be provided with only a few options; (2)after gaining confidence and experience, the user can choose to progress to higher levels of tasks and the accompanying interface.
Harry Hochheiser and Ben Shneiderman have also developed the Universal Usability Statement Template, which describes a Web site’s content, browser requirements, network requirements, and other characteristics that may influence its usability.
Electronic Curb-Cuts
Sidewalk curb-cuts are added to accommodate wheelchair users, but the benefits extend to baby carriage pushers, delivery service workers, bicyclists, and travelers with roller bags. In the context of ICT design and development, universal usability is often tied to meeting the needs of people with disabilities. The adaptability needed for users with physical, visual, auditory, or cognitive disabilities is likely to benefit users with differing preferences, tasks, hardware, etc.
台灣設計-波酷網 台灣通用設計 前進日本 通用設計 游向創意藍海 通用設計文具
高齡社會 - Google 搜尋
根據聯合國衛生組織(WHO)的定義,當一個國家65歲以上的老年人口佔全體人口比例超過7%者,稱之為高齡化社會(ageing society),當比例超過14%時,稱為高齡社會(aged society)。
高齡化社會的來臨 全球高齡化浪潮是危機也是商機
台灣創意無限 日本網路發光
2007-07-01 19:59 |
實用的概念,也出現在這台,看似普通的搾汁機上。改變結構,讓原本要費力搾果汁,變成省力,汁多,又有成就感。另外,婆婆媽媽買東西,最擔心老板偷偷多算 A錢,這雙螢幕的計算機,馬上解決這個問題。還有這個平衡板,深受小朋友的喜愛。從玩具到生活中的大小事,台灣人的創意,在國際發揚光大。
通用餐具 實用方便兼具藝術品2008-01-10 18:00 |
適合任何人使用,又符合美學概念、人 體工學,這就是[通用]設計精神,像,小朋 友拿熱湯碗的時候,你會不會擔心他會燙到 手呢。
還有,吃熱狗吃到一半,喔喔,竹籤 露了一大截出來,再吃下去,就戳到嘴裡, 這時[小東西]就派上用場,輕輕往上推,搞 定。
通用設計得獎作品,每樣都很吸引人, 只是要把好設計變成好商品,困難重重。
突 破以往[身障人士]的輔具概念,[通用產品], 既是藝術品,也是通用於各種人士使用的最 佳用具。