Education-related questions
- Do you have plans for continued studies? An advanced degree?
- What did you like/dislike about school?
- You never received your degree. Why is that?
- Describe your educational background.
- Describe your most rewarding educational experience.
- Which school subjects did/do you like the best? Why?
- Which school subjects did/do you like the least? Why?
- Which extracurricular school activities did/do you participate in? What did you learn through your participation?
- What kind of grades did/do you get in school? Do you consider your grades to be an accurate indicator of what you can do? Why?
- What led you to choose your major field of study? Your college?
- How was your education financed?
- How did you spend your vacations while in school?
- Do you feel your education was worthwhile? Why?
Goal-directed questions
- What are your short-range and long-range career goals and objectives? When and why did you establish these goals? How do you plan to achieve them?
- What do you see yourself doing 2 years from now? 5 years? 10 years? 25 years?
- What do you expect your salary to be 5 years from now?
- How long do you plan on working?
- How long do you plan on working here?
- What specific goals, other than those related to your occupation, have you established for yourself?
Examples of questions you may want to ask in job interviews
- What happened to the last person who had this job?
- What strengths or abilities would the ideal candidate possess for this position?
- Would you describe the duties of this job?
- How many people have held this position in the last 2 years?
- What kinds of equipment, machines, tools will I be working with?
- Is there anything I can do or study to get a head start on learning this job?
- What hours will I be working if hired?
- What is the normal pay range for this position?
- Is training provided? If so, what types of programs do you offer?
- Will I work alone or with other people?
- Who do I report to ... directly and indirectly?
- What are the chances of moving up in this company?
- What are the greatest problems you think I may face in this company?
- What are the key tasks and responsibilities for this position?
- How does your company plan to grow/expand in the next few years?
- May I see the area where I would be working?
- May I speak with one or two employees?
- Why is this company a good place to work?
- Do you have any company literature I could take with me?
- Is there any probation period?
- How will my performance be evaluated?
- What can you tell me about the new products/services the company is planning to introduce?
- What is the company旧 position within the industry?
- What are the challenges this company/department is facing?
- Describe a typical work day.
- Where does this position fit into the organizational structure?
- How would you describe the working atmosphere of your company?
- Does your company encourage participation in community projects?
- What are some things you feel could be improved by the person you hire?
- Why have you gone outside the company to fill this position?
- Is this a new position?
- How would you characterize your leadership style?
- Could you describe how this job relates to the overall goals of the department and the company?
- What are some of the more important objectives that you would like to see accomplished on this job?
- More questions to consider
- You may be asked about your personal life or health that may not be related to the job. If you believe you are denied a job because of the way you answered any of these questions, you may want to contact the Department of Workforce Development, Equal Rights Division, in Madison at 608/266-6860, or Milwaukee at 414/227-4384.
- Are you married, divorced, separated, or single?
- How old are you?
- How is your health?
- Do you go to church regularly?
- Tell me about your financial debts.
- Do you rent or own your home?
- What religious, political, or social organizations do you belong to?
- Are you practicing birth control?
- Do you plan on having more children?
- Were you ever arrested? Why?
- How much do you weigh?
- How tall are you?
- What does your spouse do for a living? Your parents? Describe.
- What arrangements have you made for child care? Do you have back-up child care arrangements? Have you lost work time due to problems with your children? Explain.
- Have you ever had any serious illness or injury? Describe.
- Are there any personal, family, or health conditions that would limit your ability to function in this position? Explain.