Caution: Information mentioned below is the description of experiences in SecondLife, only for personal note without guarantee if you're tricked.

=======================[3] =================================

=======================[2] HippiePay=================================

[18:37]  Hippiepay Announcement shouts: Click on an ATM then click on "Go to page" in the blue window that pops up in the right hand corner of the screen.  We recommend filling out the quick offers.  Usually after the first 3 pages of the survey it pays out instantly.

[18:38]  Hippiepay Announcement shouts: Click on an ATM and fill out some surveys!  Our surveys pay you WAY more than anything else in Second Life.  We're talking L$75+ or more per every 2 minute survey.

[18:39]  Hippiepay Announcement shouts: Welcome to Hippiepay island! Do the camps or surveys and get rich either way! No spam, no running people over, no nude people this is a PG place! No ads and need help go either of us employees or click the box with a cool pic of a hippie saying "
HippiePay for Second Life Members Area
Hippie Pay - Get Paid The Hippie Way

When you go to the website and press the link, then comes our the link
Good advertisement!
=======================[1] MediaBall=================================
[18:31]  Rizzy : is anybody looking for a job ?
[18:32]  You: what kind of
[18:32]  Rizzy : advertising
[18:32]  You: how
[18:32]  Rizzy : you advertise mediaball
[18:33]  Rizzy : do you like the butterfly ?
[18:33]  You: pretty beautiful
[18:33]  Rizzy : you get 1 with media ball
[18:33]  Rizzy : just left click on it
[18:33]  You: is that one arround you?
[18:33]  Rizzy : yes
[18:34]  Rizzy : now just wear your mediaball :)
[18:34]  Rizzy : butterfly or ads
[18:34]  You: what's that?
[18:35]  Rizzy : look in inv for mediaball
[18:36]  You: I'm not quite sure about how it works?
[18:37]  Rizzy : sorry i had to shoot off
[18:37]  Rizzy : just wear it :)
[18:37]  Lo Offcourse: ok. ^^b
[18:34]  MediaBall v1.22: YOUR MEDIABALL STATISTICS:
  you are a MediaBall user since:  2007-09-26 03:33:46
  your N+1 is:  Rizzy
  your N+2 is: 
  the number of your N-1 is:  0
  the number of your N-2 is:  0
  you have earned:  0L$

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    Map of Mind Log★脈絡地圖

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