信件回歸到使用電腦前的書寫樣式,頗有反思的效果,也蠻適合給朋友一種收信的驚喜感! 不過,網頁上的新細明體和arial字體(應該沒錯吧?),閱讀的速度還是比較快的~
Write by hand on your computer! Go to www.pilothandwriting.com, turn your handwriting into a digital font and send handwritten e-mails to your friends.
信件回歸到使用電腦前的書寫樣式,頗有反思的效果,也蠻適合給朋友一種收信的驚喜感! 不過,網頁上的新細明體和arial字體(應該沒錯吧?),閱讀的速度還是比較快的~
Write by hand on your computer! Go to www.pilothandwriting.com, turn your handwriting into a digital font and send handwritten e-mails to your friends.