2006-03-07 14:08 / WhenD Stanley
We are taught that it’s necessary for everyone to have a dream. It would be a good way to keep people always knowing that the goal is in front of us, and that we should work hard to attain it. With something on our schedule, we can clearly separate what we must do from daily affairs. The importance of using time well emerges when we are convinced of time flying by, and no one can do everything he wants to do.
Inevitably, we are possible to change from childhood to adulthood, and our dreams change from being a hero to a father. When we have known many things, we know that many ideas are impossible to realize. The gap between different dreams of each period enlarges, and we’ll find that recalling the past is just like a dream, and a hero eventually belongs to a movie. We can be a hero again in the plot, and that is the reason why we are often fascinated with movies.
As information spreads out so quickly, we can easily know someone’s success. We have an idea that being famous can bring wealth, and it is certainly a fact, so a famous writer, movie director, musician, or singer becomes an idol of many people. Everyone knows that success goes to the minority, but it still be worthwhile trying to do. The idea coming from making money or interest divides failure from success. A dream comes from our true heart can exist longer, and we can beat the troubles coming across our journey with unparalleled patience.
Though money can do many things, we can’t do everything because of money, especially when making our dreams. The fact can talk, long-exist companies are for social welfare instead of earning money, and it’s easy to understand that after companies survive in the market, competition comes the profit-making. The different attitude results in failure or success.
It’s necessary to make a right dream, making a balance between what we want and what we should pay. And we must know that a hero can not be a hero without other’s help. Everyone has their own dream, merging our dream with others can definitely end in a true dream.