Like many languages, American English has numerous idioms that paint word pictures. These colorful expressions come from everyday life and add spice to language. When Americans want to make a good first impression on someone, they try to put their best foot forward. That way, they won’t get off on the wrong foot in their relationship. Learning about idioms in a language and culture can be difficult, but don’t get cold feet. Just be careful when using these expressions. Otherwise, you might put your foot in your mouth.


Americans enjoy making things easy on themselves. Even their pronunciation is relaxed. Sounds or syllables that are not stressed are shortened or combined with other sounds. As a result, “What do you want to do?” becomes “Whaddaya wanna do?” And “I don’t know” sounds like “I dunno.” See if you can understand the following conversation:

Gene: Jeet yet?
Tim: No, ju?
Gene: Skoeet!

美國人喜歡把事物簡化,甚至連他們的發音也很輕鬆自在,不是重音的發音或是音節,通常會被縮短或是和其它的音相連。因此,「What do you want todo?」就變成了「Whaddaya wanna do?」而「I don't know.」聽起來像「I dunno.」看看你能不能聽懂以下的對話:

吉妮: Jeet yet?
提姆: No, ju?
吉妮: Skoeet!

There’s one type of informal language that you should avoid using, however. Swearwords offend many people in America. Sometimes people say “four-letter words” to express anger or pain. Many of these “curse words” are terms from the Bible that people have misused. For example, to damn means to punish forever in Hell, so “damn” and “hell” are strong curses.

⊙ Word Bank
swearword (n) 褻瀆的詛咒;難聽罵人的話
curse (n) 詛咒

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