1)pull off 停車
They pulled off the road when the heavy rain made driving too dangerous.
1) service station加油站
2) starving (a.) 極餓的
3) inspect (v.) 檢查
4) shipshape (a.) 整齊的
5) pigpen (n.) 豬圈。在此是指卡通「史奴比」裡一個綽號「灰塵」的男孩,他總是渾身髒兮兮
2) CB (n.) 私用無線電頻道,Citizens Band的縮寫
2) lingo (n.) 行話
3) milepost (n.) 里程標誌,里程碑
1) cruise (v.) 緩慢巡行
2) reckon (v.) 認為
3) smooth sailing 平穩的路況
1) trim (n.) 汽車內部及外部的飾板或飾條。文中因為Larry的車又舊又髒,才以為這輛車的飾條是「土色的」mud-colored

國際社會 international community
You collect every piece of news about that move star? It's really Celebrity Worship Syndrome.

have a say (v phr) 影響;決定

How much time off do you have this year? I've got three weeks!

We always eat mustard greens at this time of year to symbolize a long life.

Suzie: Well, I'm not very happy. What you just said makes me feel useless. And maybe I am. All I do is answer the phone, usher people into Mr. Walker's office, and smile really big. Anyone could do that.
Tom: Now, Suzie. Don't sell yourself short. Listen, you arrange Mr. Walker's schedule. You handle his correspondence. And you have a very nice smile. Nobody else I know can smile the way you do.
        usher (v)  引導;招待
        sell someone/something short (v phr) 低估某人/某事
        correspondence (n)  (官方、商業)信件

Suzie: (frowning) But my smile can't hide the fact that I'm in a dead-end job. Think about it. There's nowhere to go from here, no chance for me to get ahead. Sure, I help a very important person live his very important life. But I want a life, too.
       dead-end job (n phr) 沒晉升機會的工作
get ahead (v phr) 進步

Suzie: It's very uninteresting, believe me. I've seen more than enough of it. Anyhow, I'm tired of drudgery. I want to move up in the world, to spread my wings and fly, to take responsibility. I want to hear people say, "Suzie, we have a problem and we're counting on you to solve it."
Tom: Well, why don't you try seeing your own situation in just that way?
Suzie: Huh?
Tom: Look, your "dead end" feeling is a problem that needs to be solved, right? So spread your wings and fly, Suzie. Solve the problem.
drudgery (n)  沈悶、辛苦、無趣的工作
count on someone/something (v phr) 信賴;憑藉;靠(某人/事)

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