這部描述教練與球員們在美式足球賽奮鬥求勝的電影,最近在電視重看一次,仍深深地被劇情裡的對話所打動。片中邁阿密鯊魚隊的教練 東尼(艾爾帕西諾 Al Pacino飾)如何鼓勵隊中球員的士氣,很多溝通技巧都是值得學習的,而最終冠軍賽結束前三分鐘的暫停,教練對球員們說出個人對足球的看法與激勵士氣的演說,應該能讓不看美式足球賽的影迷們,感受到球賽除了猛烈的視覺撞擊以外,還有更多深層的意義。
中文翻譯-Inch by Inch˙Al Pacino˙挑戰星期天˙我淚了 @ Let's yell "Yeah!"
英文原文(含影片)-挑戰星期天 Any Given Sunday 中的演講 - anubisjk的網路日誌
影評:Waiting,or Not Waiting:向世代交替宣戰的「挑戰星期天」
以下是教練 東尼對球員的演說,可先點選影片看英文字幕,看完後再選取其他有畫面的影片,同時比對下列的中文翻譯(我將演說內容分為五段),或許你也能擬出適合自己團隊的激勵演說,加油!
(一)引言帶入團隊合作的主題 我不知道要說甚麼,說實在的 三分鐘之後 就是我們生涯中最重要的一戰 就在今天了 我們得像個團隊,否則就會被絆倒 一吋又一吋,一場又一場直到結束 我們現在身處地獄 男士們,相信我 我們可以在這裡被那隊鳥對手打敗, 或是為自己殺出血路, 從地獄之中,攀向勝利的高峰 一吋、一吋地 現在,我無法為你們完成這件事 我已經太老了 我環顧四周,這些年輕的臉龐 |
(二)用教練的生命歷程點醒球員 我就想… 我犯了所有中年男子可能會犯的錯誤 我…我揮霍了所有的錢財 而且,信不信由你 我離棄所有曾經愛我的人 然而最近 我甚至無法忍受看見鏡中的自己 你知道,當你慢慢變老 開始一件一件失去人生中的事物 這,當然也是人生中的一部份 不過,這得等到它們離你而去之後 你才能真正了解那種感受 你就會感覺到, 人生是一場吋步之爭的競賽 |
(三)比賽細節決定結局 足球也是一樣 因為在這兩者之中 不論是人生還是足球 我們能犯錯的空間是小到… 像是 早跨半步或晚跨半步, 事情就功虧一簣了 快了一秒,或慢了一秒, 你就錯過球了 我們進攻所需的空間,就在我們身旁 它們就在比賽中的每次休息、 每一分、每一秒 |
(四)強調團隊合作與執著堅持 在這個球隊,我們為這分秒奮鬥 在這個球隊,我們攜手同心,為這點滴分秒全力奮戰 我們用指甲掙扎往前,一點一滴 因為我們知道 當我們把這些點滴累積起來 就會在輸跟贏之間 有他媽的差別!! 在生與死之間!! 我告訴你們 在比賽場上, 唯有願意為了那些點滴分吋而誓死奮鬥的人才會贏 而我知道,如果我還有一口氣在 是因為我願意為了一切,奮戰到底 因為,這就是生存的意義! |
(五)信任隊友與犠牲小我 在你面前的一切! 現在,我不能強迫你們去闖 你們只有看著自己身旁的夥伴 看進他的眼睛 你現在, 正看著會和你一起拼殺到底的戰友 他們就是會為了團隊而犧牲自我 因為他們知道,到了開戰的時刻 你一樣會為了他們犧牲 這就是一個團隊,男士們! 我們即將以一個團隊的姿態, 戰到最後 否則,我們就會一個人孤獨死去 這就是足球,就是它的意義 現在,你們要怎麼做? |
I don't know what to say, really.
Three minutes, 'til the biggest battle of our professional lives.
It all comes down to today.
Either we heal as a team, or we're gonna crumble.
Inch by inch, play by play, 'til we're finished.
We're in hell right now, gentlemen.
Believe me.
And we can stay here,
get the shit kicked out of us,
or we can fight our way back into the light.
We can climb out of hell, one inch at the time.
Now, I can't do it for you.
I'm too old.
I look around, I see these young faces, and I think... I mean.
I made every wrong choice a middle-aged man can make.
I pissed away all my money, believe it or not.
I chased off anyone who's ever loved me.
And lately, I can't even stand the face I see in the mirror.
You know, when you get old in life, things get taken from you.
That's part of life.
But you only learn that when you start losing stuff.
You find out life's this game of inches
So is football
Because in either game, life or football...
the margin for error is so small!
I mean, one-half a step too late or too early, and you don't quite make it.
One half-second too slow, too fast, you don't quite catch it.
The inches we need are everywhere around us.
They're in every break of the game, every minute, every second.
On this team, we fight for that inch.
On this team, we tear ourselves, and everyone else around us, to pieces for that inch.
We claw with our fingernails for that inch.
Because we know when we add up all those inches,
that's gonna make the fuckin' difference between winning and losing!
Between living and dying!
I'll tell you this.
In any fight, it's the guy who's willing to die,
who's gonna win that inch.
And I know if I'm gonna have any life anymore,
it's because I'm still willing to fight and die for that inch.
Because that's what living is,
the six inches in front of your face!
Now, I can't make you do it.
You got to look at the guy next to you.
Look into his eyes!
Now I think you're gonna see a guy,
who will sacrifice himself for this team,
because he knows, when it comes down to it,
you're gonna do the same for him!
That's a team, gentleman!
And either we heal now, as a team...
or we will die as individuals.
That's football guys.
That all it is...
Now, whattaya gonna do?