
當累積了越多的哩程數,我們每個人在心中都會浮現自己對旅行的看法,無論是短暫的休閒旅行或是人生中的世界拼圖,都存在著一個共通點,We all are Travelers in Life.  透過每一次的旅行,我們除了豐富生活經歷也建立了自己對旅行的信念,尤有甚者,更改變了我們對於人生的看法。


如果我們屬於那六位朋友的其中一人,是否有能力推薦最具地方特色的Road Map嗎?故事的起源來自去年夏季的一場台北之旅,The Encounter got us together and the story continues till today.

"I'm actually going to be back in Taiwan for about a week and I wanted to see more of Taiwan than just Taipei, but I don't know where to begin. Do you have any recommendations for what to do/where to go/what to eat. I had such a fantastic night that one day you took us around, and I thought trusting your judgment again would be merited."

"Hey, We get into Taipei on the 24 and we leave on the 28th of November. Not too much time I know. I thought we were going to be in country longer."


There are some resources on the Internet.
#welcome to Taiwan (http://eng.taiwan.net.tw/lan/Cht/search/index.asp)
#Taiwan Festivals (http://edu.ocac.gov.tw/local/web/Eng/about.htm)
#草根台灣臉譜 - Yahoo!奇摩部落格 (http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/i2taiwan/), it has numerous pictures that records the local people in Taiwan. You can find
more articles by clicking the category in the left side.
#Youth travel in Taiwan, National Youth Commission(http://www.youthtravel.tw/youthtravel/indexMain.jsp)


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