★搜尋★ | 噗浪 |

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每年過年後,一連串的校園徵才博覽會也緊接著展開,除了同學們所熟知的各大人力銀行外,青輔會的【RICH工讀網】、勞委會的【全國就業E網 - 新鮮人專區】也有許多工讀、工作的相關資訊供大家參考,包括職場新聞、最新職缺、職涯興向測驗、科系與工作,還有趣味十足的動漫版「厚黑日誌」,分享重要的菜鳥需知。

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2007-02-06 11:36/張德厚

★脈絡地圖 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

2007-02-06 16:52/中央社記者江俊亮嘉義縣六日電

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2007-01-20 21:22/周守真

★脈絡地圖 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Bangkok, which is the capital of Thailand, is surrounded by gorgeous palaces and temples. Pataya, which is famous for bustling night clubs and various shows, and Phuket, which is a beautiful resort island with fantastic beaches.

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每日 EZ Word    
cut one's losses 認賠出場,斷尾求生

★脈絡地圖 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

每日 EZ Word    
hooks and slices 左曲球和右曲球

★脈絡地圖 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Today, E-gi and me went to Kaohsiung to attend this month's Plus Club by train and the venue was at IKEA. After we arrived at the station in Today, E-gi and me went to Kaohsiung to attend this month's Plus Club by train and the venue was at IKEA. After we arrived at the station in Kaohsiung, we took bus there. Maybe I have not attended this kind of activity for quite a long time and E-gi was the first time to join PC, I forget there was meal during the activity so we ate lunch before. However, we have another meal during the activity in IKEA. I ate some Swedish food like meal balls, besides French fries and drink, I really stuffed myself. There were 8 members and Tony in this activity. It’s a good memory to join Kaohsiung’s activity.

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2007-02-03 02:24/記者李立達/台北報導

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★脈絡地圖 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

2007-01-31 09:50/法新社巴黎三十日電

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- 天空部落

2007-01-29 19:45

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★脈絡地圖 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

尋訪美食遍遊世界 吳博德愛上台灣 寬容敦厚有活力


2007-01-28 02:16/王良芬/紐約

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