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2007-04-17 00:00

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2007-04-15 02:10/陳碧芬/台北報導

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★脈絡地圖 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

好的領導 人應該具備何種素養與風範?亞都麗緻旅館系統總裁嚴長壽認為,一個好的領袖人才應該要具備5個特點,分別為:識人善用、誠懇正直、胸襟寬廣、願景宏觀、不 輕易妥協。多普達中華區總裁 李紹唐則認為,領袖應具備「5力」,也就是學習力、生命力、執行力、競爭力、成長力

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文/104人力銀行行銷總監 邱文仁

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★脈絡地圖 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

2007-04-06 02:26/蔣國屏

★脈絡地圖 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

A common type of job interview in the modern workplace is the behavioral interview or behavioral event interview. In this sort of interview, the interviewers tend to ask questions about general situations, with the candidate asked to describe how they did or would handle a specific problem. A bad hiring decision nowadays can be immensely expensive for an organisation – cost of the hire, training costs, severance pay, loss of productivity, impact on morale, cost of re-hiring, etc. (Gallup international place the cost of a bad hire as being 3.2 times the individual's salary). Structured selection techniques have a better track record of identifying the soundest candidate than the old-style 'biographical' interview. Typical behavioural interview questions:
  • "Describe a time you had to work with someone you didn't like."

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Education-related questions
  1. Do you have plans for continued studies? An advanced degree?
  2. What did you like/dislike about school?
  3. You never received your degree. Why is that?
  4. Describe your educational background.
  5. Describe your most rewarding educational experience.
  6. Which school subjects did/do you like the best? Why?
  7. Which school subjects did/do you like the least? Why?
  8. Which extracurricular school activities did/do you participate in? What did you learn through your participation?
  9. What kind of grades did/do you get in school? Do you consider your grades to be an accurate indicator of what you can do? Why?
  10. What led you to choose your major field of study? Your college?
  11. How was your education financed?
  12. How did you spend your vacations while in school?
  13. Do you feel your education was worthwhile? Why?

Goal-directed questions

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2007-02-22 11:12/中央社記者汪淑芬台北二十二日電

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2007-02-21 10:30/中央社記者汪淑芬台北二十一日電

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展店新概念 全家當起另類流動攤販
2007-02-11 02:34/陳彥淳/新聞分析

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