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2007-03-28 11:35 / WhenD Stanley

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2007-02-28 11:31 / WhenD Stanley

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It's my first time to win the first place(prize) of speech on this special day, Valentine's Day. My speech topic was also around this holiday called "Love Radio-Valentine's Day".

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Office Hours    

1. Keep your résumé to only one page, two at most. Don't list everything you've ever done in your whole life. List only what is important and relates to the job you're applying for.

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Bangkok, which is the capital of Thailand, is surrounded by gorgeous palaces and temples. Pataya, which is famous for bustling night clubs and various shows, and Phuket, which is a beautiful resort island with fantastic beaches.

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每日 EZ Word    
cut one's losses 認賠出場,斷尾求生

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每日 EZ Word    
hooks and slices 左曲球和右曲球

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Today, E-gi and me went to Kaohsiung to attend this month's Plus Club by train and the venue was at IKEA. After we arrived at the station in Today, E-gi and me went to Kaohsiung to attend this month's Plus Club by train and the venue was at IKEA. After we arrived at the station in Kaohsiung, we took bus there. Maybe I have not attended this kind of activity for quite a long time and E-gi was the first time to join PC, I forget there was meal during the activity so we ate lunch before. However, we have another meal during the activity in IKEA. I ate some Swedish food like meal balls, besides French fries and drink, I really stuffed myself. There were 8 members and Tony in this activity. It’s a good memory to join Kaohsiung’s activity.

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2007-01-26 15:34 / WhenD Stanley

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1)pull off 停車

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搶救「菜中文」 線上遊戲等你挑戰
【記者林思宇/台北報導】 【2006/03/29 聯合晚報】

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        這是自擔任Vice President of Education職務以來第二次也是最後一次的幹訓了,在左營高中舉行。了解嘉義以南各社團的經營狀況,也從許多講者身上學到如何帶動社內的氣氛,如何吸引新會員,如何...

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To be truly, today's speech really made me concerned on how to present it, and let me know that I can care about other things if I pay attention to one thing. Because the project is "Your Body Speaks", I decided to decide my speech title as "Drama in Our Life". In the beginning, I explained the meaning of drama briefly and put emphasis on the issue "No Action, No Drama". Then, I took the movie "I, Robot" to explain that we couldn't describe someone's stiff movement on the stage as robot because robot will be like people more than before. At the end, I showed some movement to explain different motion and gesture will come out different feeling, though I missed the facial expression part.

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In fact, Spanish speakers—numbering over 17 million—compose the largest non-English linguistic group in America. But Chinese, Vietnamese, Italian, Polish and many other ethnic groups add to the linguistic flavor of America. Foreign languages are so commonly used in some ethnic neighborhoods that visitors might think they are in another country!

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